Have you ever wondered how the transportation system works? How does a freight gets to your home? What’s the dispatching process behind it? How to make it all happen? We can help you find the answers!
Welcome to Windy City Dispatching School
At Windy City Dispathching School we want YOU to succeed. Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary knowledge and tools to start a succesfull dispatching career.
Through over 8 years of hard work and dedication we came to the conclusion that in order to understand dispatching, you need to see the industry as a whole. Our courses were created in such a way, that you will get a profound understanding of the trucking industry and all of its components.
Why should I take this course?
The simple answer is, you don’t have to. BUT…if you’re really looking for a career change, you came to the right place. We can help you learn how to make $100,000/year by simply doing dispatching, without the hassle of owning any equipment. Transportation industry is extremely big with a lot of possibilities for growth. And we can help you reach your goals.
Starting in 2011, our team came a long way in the trucking industry. From truck drivers to dispatchers to owner operators and company owners, while also handling warehousing operations, accounting and safety. We’ve seen it all and want to share that knowledge with you.
Our mission is simple: we want to help you reach your goals by providing the best dispatching education possible. Regardless of where you are now, we can help you get where you want to be. Affordable prices, transparency and highly skilled professional team is what we offer.
Trucking industry is changing…and fast. Modern technology is finally here and we’d like to be at the front row. Dispatching education has never been a part of this industry…until now. And our vision is to make it understandable, affordable and easy to implement by each and everyone.