Learn what it takes to be a truck dispatcher. A Live Zoom Training course with 2 weeks of in-depth training lessons with practice, explanations, tests, a PDF guidebook, and much more.
– Monday, January 20th, 6 PM-9 PM, CST.
– Wednesday, January 22nd, 6 PM-9 PM, CST.
– Friday, January 24th, 6 PM-9 PM, CST.
– Monday, January 27th, 6 PM-9 PM, CST.
– Wednesday, January 29th, 6 PM-9 PM, CST.
– Friday, January 31st, 6 PM-9 PM, CST.
Learn, communicate, ask questions, and receive feedback on the completed tasks from your curator, practice in real work programs, and work with real document samples.
Here’s an overview of what’s included with your purchase:
- A 4-hour Online Course that comes with the $500 option.
- 2 weeks Live Zoom training and practice with a Pro-instructor with 12 years of experience
- 50-page Dispatcher handbook with all of the necessary information,
- 20+ examples of documents to practice along, multiple real-world scenarios for route planning, and scheduling practice tasks.
- Real-life practice material to learn hand on
- Free consultations at any time during your training with one of our expert coaches.
- Deep understanding of the US Freight market, route planning, and scheduling.
- Know exactly how to deal with unexpected situations and how to prevent them.
- BONUS WITH EVERY TRAINING: Best students get direct recommendations to one of the trucking companies we work closely with.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and the information you will get with our training is invaluable. Join our next BootCamp today!